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Available 24/7 for International and Domestic Flights

State of Alaska

Air Ambulance 1

medical flights

More about Alaska

Alaska is famous for its magnificent verity of wildlife; salmon, moose, caribou, whales, bears, bison, puffins, etc. Also for its scenery like glaciers and fjords, mountains, lakes, rivers, and waterways than one could dream of.

In Alaska, traveling by airplane is a normal way of life. Even high school athletes frequently fly from one competition to the next, due to the rustic terrain and expanse between communities. As such, Alaska is littered with small and large airports alike, making it possible to access an air ambulance team practically anywhere you are.

Healthcare is Alaska’s largest private-sector employer. Alaska has 27 hospitals and it is the largest non-government employer in Providence Health and Services, which operates the state’s largest hospital, Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, as well as hospitals in Seward, Kodiak, and Valdez.

Here is a list of Alaska most popular cities – click the city for more information

Services we provide for the state of Alaska

Air ambulance 1 experts have served over 200 thousand patients worldwide for over 15 years. We have successfully operated numerous critical care air ambulance flights, domestically, and internationally. Your medical well being is our top priority as we provide a true bed to bed experience. Our clients value our expertise and superb level of patient care, as well as our commitment to service that is exceeding normal industry standards.

Air Ambulance Services:

Each of our medical flight crews (including the pilots) have extensive training and experience transporting our high-risk patients and their families. Group transportation can also be arranged.  Be sure to ask our Flight Coordinators about empty-leg programs that may be available. We’re available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Some of the popular aircraft we use are Learjet 35, Learjet 55, and Learjet 60. These aircraft can go as far as 2,500 miles non-stop and carry up to 2 patients as well as 2 family members. If you need a larger aircraft, an available Gulfstream V and Gulfstream IV are available 24/7 from our Los Angeles or New York bases.

There are more than 3,000 rivers in Alaska

  • Rivers More than 3,000
  • Northern Lights In Fairbanks most of the year
  • Salmon In Kenai River

Top cities for Air Ambulance in Alaska

Here are the largest cities that we provide Air Ambulance on a regular basis

We provide medevac services for the following surrounding boroughs

Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitna, Fairbanks North Star, Kenai Peninsula, Juneau, Ketchikan Gateway, Kodiak Island, Petersburg, Aleutians East, Haines, Wrangell, Lake and Peninsula, Skagway, and Yakutat.

Most common hospitals in ALASKA

Alaska has 27 hospitals, Alaska Native Medical Center, Anchorage, Alaska Regional Hospital, Anchorage, Bartlett Regional Hospital, Juneau, Bassett Army Community Hospital, Fort Wainwright, Central Peninsula General Hospital, Soldotna, Cordova Community Medical Center, Cordova, Elmendorf AFB Hospital, Anchorage, Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Fairbanks, Kanakanak Hospital, Dillingham, PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center, Ketchikan, Maniilaq Health Center, Kotzebue, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, Palmer, Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital, Sitka, Northstar Hospital, Anchorage, Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Petersburg Medical Center Petersburg, Providence Alaska Medical Center, Anchorage, Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center, Kodiak, Providence Seward Medical and Care Center, Seward, Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital, Utqiagvik, Sitka Community Hospital, Sitka, South Peninsula Hospital, Homer, St. Elias Specialty Hospital, Anchorage, Wrangell Medical Center, Wrangell, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional,Hospital, Bethel and more.


Worldwide Air Ambulance Service is One Phone Call Away

We also provide medical evacuation for the following cities

Birch Creek, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Buffalo Soapstone, Butte, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chase, Chefornak, Chenega, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clark’s Point, Coffman Cove, Cohoe, Cold Bay
Coldfoot, College, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Coppe, Barrow, Bear Creek and more.

Alaska Largest Airports Include

KANC Anchorage International Airport – KMRI Anchorage Merrill Field Airport – KFAI Fairbanks International Airport – KJNU Juneau International Airport – KENA Kenai Alaska Municipal Airport – KKTN Ketchikan International Airport -PAED Elmendorf Air Force Base – KFRN Bryant Army Heliport – KD72 D&C Fire Lake Flying Club – K3A3 Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base – KT66 Visnaw Lake Airport and more.

Request A Quote

Fill in your information and one of our flight coordinators will contact you as soon as possible to start a new quote.


    We Guarantee that when choosing Air Ambulance 1, your loved ones shall be treated with professional and compassionate care. We consider every patient as family, we strive to perfection and continuously monitoring our operations. When choosing A provider, Remember that Air Ambulance 1’s management team has over 200,000 successful patient transfers in the past 15 years.


    Air Ambulance 1 – CEO